God will call you to an account for what your hands have done
(Psalm 10:15 paraphrased)
(Psalm 10:15 paraphrased)
Your wickedness will be found out and exposed to everyone
(Ephesians 5:13 paraphrased)
(Ephesians 5:13 paraphrased)
God will measure your sins back to you seven times for all your dirty deeds
(Psalm 79:12 paraphrased)
(Psalm 79:12 paraphrased)
For all the reproach and taunts you hurled and for the harvest of your sown seeds
As long as earth remains so will seed time and the harvest too (Genesis 8:22 paraphrased)
The multitude of your actions will be repaid good or bad to you
If the righteous are recompensed in the earth how much more the ungodly and sinner man
(Proverbs 11:31 paraphrased)
(Proverbs 11:31 paraphrased)
Right here on earth and in the life to come the harvest will be for the works of their hand
What we make happen for others God will make happen for us too
(Ephesians 6:8 paraphrased)
(Ephesians 6:8 paraphrased)
Good, bad or ugly each person is rewarded on earth for what they do
So make sure the seeds you plant will bring the harvest that you desire (Galatians 6:7-9 paraphrased)
So that the field the farmer reaps will not be one he wants to set on fire
Kimmy Gerred
January 28, 2016
Venice, Fl
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